Monday, October 20, 2008

Vikings...Dude They Knew How to Party!

What up homies?

Been a crazy week. Lots of things going on and a ton of stress all the way around (who doesn't stress these days). Economic concerns have quite a few people on edge for sure! Although we are lucky to live in modern times with all our technology and conveniences, part of me thinks back to my forefathers of old who lived differently.

A good portion of my ancestry ties back to Norsemen through Danes and Normans. They were tough, grizzled survivors who lived during tough times, but they also knew how to adapt. Better yet, they knew how to party!!!

Norsemen who went "a-viking" (raiding) got to do crap I would never get away with. Today if you are downsized you are expected to suck it up and "just deal with it." If a Norseman had a bad year on the farm, he and his buddies could hop in a boat, take a 3-day "roadtrip" across the North Sea, and steal whatever the hell they wanted. Some Danes even traded with cities before they raided them. That way they made a profit and then capitalized on their investment. They could even find wives this way! It was like the ultimate Vegas roadtrip! Do you think I could do that? Yeah...right. The whole "Judeo-Christian" ethics thing gets in the way every time.

They partied and drank mead all night. I surf the web and drink rootbeer all night. They went raiding across the sea, and I just need to pee. Need I say more....They're probably rolling around in their graves just watching me now.